Forbes Column: 9 Apps You Need To Stay Ready For Your Next Major Opportunity
An incredible opportunity might land in your inbox in the next five minutes, are you ready for it? It’s fourth quarter, 2017. If you want to end the year strong, there’s no time to waste.
When you’re a rising professional or entrepreneur, you have to be on top of your stuff. If you delay too long, it looks like you’re not prepared. Another impression a delayed response gives is that perhaps you’re not taking the opportunity seriously. Let’s be honest here, if you’re under 30 your age is already a point of judgement regarding your readiness and capability, so in order to not give fuel to that image, I’m a big proponent of staying ready so you don’t have to get ready.
One of the key things that helps me are the apps, plug-ins and tools that sync between my phone and my computer. Aside from email, there are specific apps you can use to keep your work at your fingertips ready to send off at a moment’s notice.
Here are my top apps and tools to keep on hand whether you’re a young professional, a side hustler or full blown entrepreneur.