FORBES: How To Know When It's Time To Walk Away From An Opportunity

I remember the moment I was first on the fence about whether or not to say yes to an opportunity. It was early in my career, actually the first real job offer I ever received in my life. I hadn’t even graduated from college yet and I got an offer to work at a major news corporation in New York.
I wanted to say no, because I wanted to take a chance on myself. But who in their right mind says no to a full time well paid job, doing something that you’ve trained for years to do? As the saying goes, talent is everywhere but opportunity is not. I would get to practice journalism professionally, and make a salary for the first time. So I said yes.
And as more opportunities came my way, in the office and outside of the office I continued to say yes. Even when I felt I wasn’t ready, or when I felt afraid. Those early yes moments, in hindsight, helped to shape me professionally to become the CEO I am today. I learned what I was capable of and what I could do under pressure, and under uncertainty as a journalist and a producer.
Now, as I’ve grown into my role as a founder, and have the fortune of increased visibility and a strong trusted network of supporters, there’s a number of opportunities sent my way and I’ve entered this phase where in order to honor my true purpose and talent, I have to start to say no.